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ח-500 בויקיפדיה

ח-500 בויקיפדיה

מדד ח 500

מדד ח 500

רקע היסטורי

רקע היסטורי

אודות מייסד האתר

אודות מייסד האתר

נתוני עסקאות ח 500

נתוני עסקאות ח 500
News H-500

Indication of land value per dwelling unit on high-density construction in the H-500 site, if the planning scheme were available for construction

December 2, 2016


One of the questions that most interests the landowners and those working in the market is the likely value of the land after approval of the balancing tables. An answer to this question has recently been given following a tender published by Holon Municipality on November 16, 2016. The tender is for the sale of rights in two plots in the H/370/4 site (block 6874), which is available for construction and located to the west of the H-500 planning scheme. Construction has recently started at the H/370/4 site and the level of land prices at the site can give an indication of the value of the land in the H-500 site, assuming that the balancing tables in the H-500 planning scheme had already been approved and the development work started.


The minimum price published in the tender was NIS 830,000 per dwelling unit, plus VAT. As stated, the publication specified a minimum price and the tender is likely to close at a price of more than NIS 900,000, plus VAT, per dwelling unit.


Click here to see the tender

Indication of land value per dwelling unit on high-density construction in the H-500 site, if the planning scheme were available for construction

December 2, 2016


One of the questions that most interests the landowners and those working in the market is the likely value of the land after approval of the balancing tables. An answer to this question has recently been given following a tender published by Holon Municipality on November 16, 2016. The tender is for the sale of rights in two plots in the H/370/4 site (block 6874), which is available for construction and located to the west of the H-500 planning scheme. Construction has recently started at the H/370/4 site and the level of land prices at the site can give an indication of the value of the land in the H-500 site, assuming that the balancing tables in the H-500 planning scheme had already been approved and the development work started.


The minimum price published in the tender was NIS 830,000 per dwelling unit, plus VAT. As stated, the publication specified a minimum price and the tender is likely to close at a price of more than NIS 900,000, plus VAT, per dwelling unit.


Click here to see the tender

פרוטוקול דיון של וועדת הערר לפיצויים והיטל השבחה מיום 18/11/2020



Transactions  during 2017

Transactions  during 2017

תוכנית להרחבת כביש 4 (תתל 110) בקטע שבין מחלף גן רווה למחלף מורשה יוצאת לדרך

Transactions  during 2017

השפעת תוכנית המטרו על בעלי קרקע במתחם ח/500
Watch the video: "The Importance Of Joining The Landowners Group"

יוסף רייטן, שמאי מקרקעין, מסביר למה כדאי מבחינה כלכלית להצטרף לקבוצת בעלי קרקע בתכנית ח-500.

Watch the video: "Joseph Raiten's group members talking"

סרטון המציג את סיפורם של חמישה חברי קבוצה המשתייכים לקבוצת בעלי קרקע בתוכנית ח-500 בניהולו של יוסף רייטן, שמאי מקרקעין

Meetings for landowners
מפגשים לבעלי קרקעות

You are invited to meetings held for my husband

Land, in order to get an overview on The expected planning procedure and an explanation of why it is worthwhile Join the group before being placed in the balance sheets.

The following are the dates of the upcoming meetings:

There will likely be a zoom


Meeting No. 39 - 29/07/2020

Meeting No. 40-2708/2020

Meeting No. 41 - 30/09/2020

Meeting No. 42 - 28/10/2020

Meeting No. 43 - 30/11/2020

Meeting No. 44 - 28/12/2020

We will be happy to advise you on a variety of topics Related to the program: And Before making a purchase or sale transaction Improvement levies Expropriations along the green line of the light rail Expropriations of the IDF for the expansion of Road No. 4 Land locating Corrections of names and additions to ID numbers / passports in the tax register Assistance in the sale or purchase of land

Maximazing Your Value

We will be happy to advise you on a variety of topics Related to the program: And Before making a purchase or sale transaction Improvement levies Expropriations along the green line of the light rail Expropriations of the IDF for the expansion of Road No. 4 Land locating Corrections of names and additions to ID numbers / passports in the tax register Assistance in the sale or purchase of land

לוגו חוף התכלת
פי גלילות לוגו
קבוצת רייטן לוגו
מפת גושים ח 500.  להגדלה הקליקו על ה�מפה

Map of the H-500 blocks. Click to enlarge

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